After a busy day of interning and commuting, I was too tired and hungry to make myself anything when I got home, so I resorted to a frozen dinner. Although, it was an Amy's organic broccoli pot pie, and I must admit, it was pretty tasty!
My not-so-exciting dinner and tonight's episode of Top Chef left me craving some goooood food (although I always crave food no matter how hungry or satisfied I am). Now that I'm in New York, there are ENDLESS options when it comes to goooood food. A New York foodie friend of mine has been sending me restaurant recommendations in anticipation of my arrival back in the Big Apple. These emails have been piling up in my inbox for weeks, so now that I'm here, it is time to get organized! So as I sat in bed, craving a yummy meal, I put together a spreadsheet of all the restaurants I hope to try in NY. Sounds obsessive, I know, but I want to try as many new places as possible! Now if only I could get a paying job to fund my eating excursions...
Here are a couple places I hope to try soon...
-Caracas--arepas (bread made of corn, similar to a tortilla, often filled with yummy things) in the East Village. I'm actually going here tomorrow night for dinner and cannot wait! Will give my reviews soon thereafter.
-Luke's Lobsters--I don't go crazy for lobstah like some people, but I've heard rave reviews from several people on this one.
-Motorino's Pizza--my friend recommended this one to me, and then I saw Rachael Ray raving about it on "Best Thing I Ever Ate". Rachael Ray is not my favorite, but the footage of Motorino's pizza had me sold!
-Cienfuegos--Cuban in the East Village. The decor is so charming and chic, and the menu looks even better.
-Txiktio-Basque food in Chelsa. I have to admit I didn't even know of the Basque Country (region in northeastern Spain and southwestern France) until I heard of this restaurant. The menu is a bit indecipherable, but I'm willing to try anything new!
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