Friday, July 30, 2010
Life's Exilir
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Seduced by Food
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Girl Power!
Having just watched the new movie The Runaways, I am feeling rather inspired. Inspired to dye my hair black, cut it into a choppy mullet, spray paint and rip up my own t-shirts just like Joan Jett (or Kristen Stewart). There is something about that angsty teenage rebel queen that has always seemed so cool to me. Probably because rocker chicks à la Kristen Stewart or Taylor Momsen from Gossip Girl, are so far from anything I will ever be. The closest I've ever become to being a rockstar has been while playing Rockband.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Grown Up Little Girl
Samantha finally arrived, only to be followed by several other American Girl dolls that my sister and I would play with together. While our dolls brought many fun times and cherished memories, I still most vividly remember the utter excitement and anticipation I felt waiting for Samantha’s arrival.
This pure, innocent longing is similar to the anxiousness I feel when imagining Bon Appetit’s new recipes. I study every detail. The ingredients, the process, serving suggestions. I especially love the illustration demos in the back of the magazine. I picture myself chopping the ingredients, putting them together, and what it must smell like. The pictures make my mouth salivate and my stomach grumble with desire. I rip out all the pages of recipes that I hope to try and keep them in a folder that is now falling apart, similar to my “Samantha Parkington’s Box”. I have probably only made a quarter of the recipes that I’ve torn from Bon Appetit, but I hold onto all of them with the hope that some day I will try them all (also similar to how I wished I could own the entire American Girl franchise as a child). My tastes and interests may have matured over the years, but food still makes me bubble with excitement like a 5 year-old girl.
A few of the recipes from the August issue that I hope to make are:
-Grilled Chicken and Plantains, Jamaican-Style
-Grilled Salmon with Quick Blueberry Pan Sauce-Shrimp, Mango, and Avocado Salad with Sweet Chili-Ginger Vinaigrette
And for dessert…
White Chocolate-Cherry Mousse Pie (wish I had a piece of this sitting in front of me RIGHT NOW!)
Chocolate-Dipped Ice Cream Sandwiches
Hopefully I will actually try one of these recipes (rather than storing them in my Bon Appetit folder) and report back soon!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I Dream of Genie. And Many other Weird Things.
I always have quite vivid dreams that I remember the next day. Sometimes these dreams are so bizarre that I find myself thinking about them hours later. My most recent weird dream was from sometime last week. I dreamt that my pet dog Mack somehow obtained a gun and was trying to shoot me. My only protection was a paperback book that I used as a shield. Eventually, my mother seized the dog and took his gun. Then my whole family stood together and cried as we watched Mack being taken away to jail for bad animals. (Mack and I have a quite hostile relationship, but I never thought he would try to shoot me if given the chance!)
My mother also has very strange dreams—usually something terrible happens to me or one of my siblings. (She tends to worry about us…a lot). One of her weirdest dreams by war was when she was pregnant with me. She dreamt that I was growing in a garden, rather than in her womb, with Right-to-Life bumper stickers pasted around the fence. Instead of growing into a normal infant, I grew into a full-grown man. She cried and cried that she wanted a baby, not a grown man, for a child. I’m not even going to try to analyze where this one came from…
So maybe the weird dream trend is genetic in my family. Or maybe my mom and I are linked in a shared dream universe à la Inception!! Mwaahh-ha-ha! Who knows, but it is interesting to think about, or at least get a good laugh out of our kooky dreams.
Anyone else have any strange dreams you’d care to share or analyze? Feel free to explore here…
Monday, July 19, 2010
I Heart NY...Pizza
This past weekend, my boyfriend Keenan and I spent the day in Manhattan. My parents and I drove down to NY to vist my grandmother, so I took the train into the city to meet up with him. It was such a great summer afternoon in New York. We had lunch at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central, which was good, but way overpriced. Then we kept cool at The Frick Collection, which we both loved. The beautiful building itself, with its indoor garden and pool, stands in such contrast to the harsher structures of the city. We crossed 5th and relaxed in the park for a while. Our demanding afternoon naturally required that we replenish ourselves with some frozen yogurt, which we picked up at Butterfield’s. Keenan unknowingly ordered a medium, which turned out to be a massive serving, and melted to a soup before he could even finish it. More wandering and strolling brought us to Murray Hill to check out his new apartment building. After that, it was, of course, time to eat again!
Normally, Keenan leaves the restaurant-picking up to me. During my internship in New York City last summer, my biggest hobby became pouring through restaurant reviews and menus and picking the spot for our weekend dinner out. Well this time Keenan did the picking, and boy, did he choose right…Pizza!
We went to this hole in the wall place called Pizza 33 on the corner of (you guessed it!) 33rd and 3rd. With only a few tables in the joint, we actually had to stand whilst pizza-eating, as the hot mozzarella dripped down our chins. Upon Keenan’s recommendation we both ordered 2 slices of margherita pizza. Little did I know that a slice was actually bigger than the size of my head; but this was not a problem, as I always have an appetite for good pizza. And this was not just good pizza…it was fantastic! The crust was so perfectly thin without being burnt, yet was still doughy and chewy. The sweet tomato sauce was in perfect balance with the buttery mozzarella. Under the mozzarella rounds were fresh basil leaves, which added another level of freshness and lightness to a surprisingly gourmet-tasting pizza from your corner pizza stop. Keenan was such a fan, he even went back for 2 more slices. I easily could have kept pace with him (it was so light—unlike most greasy, heavy pizza—it almost felt healthy!), but I restrained myself for fear of looking like a total glutton.
Come to think of it, most of my best pizza experiences have been with Keenan. On my first night in NYC last summer, he took me to Lombardi’s in Nolita for dinner. Also margherita style, and memorably delicious. And then there were the many late nights at BC of Pino’s Pizza, after stumbling across the street from Mary Ann’s. The later it was, the better the pizza tasted.
There was also the time when I attempted to show Keenan a good pizza. I insisted that he try Ben’s Pizza in the Village. Ben’s was down the block from my NYU freshman dorm, and it was where everyone went whose fakes couldn’t get them into a bar. I always remember thinking Ben’s had the best pizza I ever had. Apparently that was before I tasted real pizza. Upon revisiting, we were both quite disappointed; and I was quite ashamed, having talked the place up so much, and being the self-proclaimed food-saveur.
I may know how to cook, but Keenan sure knows a thing or two about pizza. Maybe it’s because he’s a guy, or because he’s from New York. Whatever it is that bestows Keenan his pizza-prowess, I have learned never to underestimate the beauty of real New York pizza.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Reading Rainbow
Friday, July 16, 2010
Camp Heavyweights
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Daily Bread

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Words, Words, Words
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Kid at Heart
Monday, July 12, 2010
Boot Camp

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Well Worth the Weight
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Rain, Rain Go Away
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
How does your garden grow? Not with silver bells and cockle shells, I assume. But maybe I can use a few tips from Mary, as my newest project for the summer is my own herb garden.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
We All Scream for Ice Cream

It's only the 2nd day of my blog experiment, and I've already managed to put off writing my next post until 10PM. Not a great start, but better late than never!